Customer Experience
Most recently we have been asked to use our experience to enable organisations to improve their customers' experience, manage and resolve expressions of customer dissatisfaction more effectively and proactively, identify root causes of customer complaints and create mechanisms to obtain and act on customer insight more routinely to improve customer satisfaction.We partner with organisations to diagnose current state opportunities and then design, develop and implement future state solutions and align these with your digital operations whilst building leadership and team capability and introducing tools and management practices which enable you to drive sustainable performance improvement.
Services provided:
- Identification of your customers' critical requirements to determine whether and how these are being fulfilled by your current processes and identify opportunities for improvement.
- Analysis of your customers' current experience to identify ways of making this better and ways which fulfil more effectively their critical requirements.
- Exploration of your current methods of routinely and proactively capturing insights and feedback from your customers to identify opportunities to obtain a regular source of 'voice of the customer' information with which to drive customer satisfaction.
- Exploration of how customer complaints or expressions of dissatisfaction are managed to identify ways to proactively use this valuable source of information to identify systemic problems and improve your customers' experience.
- Analysis of the effectiveness of your analysis into the root causes of your customers' complaints to determine opportunities for using customer complaints to drive service and process improvements.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness with which insights gained from your customers (through complaints, surveys or other means) are integrated into your performance and risk management systems, processes and culture to reinforce a proactive feedback and control loop which drives continuous improvement.
- In partnership with affiliate consultancies, analysis of how digital technology is impacting your sector's customer needs and what your organisation can do to exploit these opportunities.
- Design and implementation of solutions to address opportunities identified from all analysis.